Entrepreneurs for future generations
Environmentally responsible commercial activities
We need to rethink our current consumption patterns, which are depleting our planet and legitimising unacceptable social practices. Respecting human dignity, combating poverty, encouraging local food and organic farming, combating deforestation…
When it comes to food or our everyday purchases, there are ways to enjoy life in a sustainable way and we are working to promote these alternatives and spread them throughout society.
Consume differently
We believe that consumption is a lever for change. Our social enterprises represent a new model, where economic profitability is not an end in itself but a way to offer alternatives for everyday living.
Whether you’re looking for food, clothing, home decoration or just a drink, discover new ways to adopt an environmentally responsible lifestyle.
Altermundi, changing the way we shop every day
Making the economy work for people, reconciling the pleasure of shopping with environmental responsibility, rethinking the way we shop daily – this is the challenge Altermundi is meeting every day. This fashion and interior design brand, which has helped popularise the notion of ‘fairtrade‘, has eleven shops in Paris, one in Vincennes and an online store offering a wide selection of eco-friendly items created by committed and passionate designers.
Té – Créateur d’instants
Té Catering is a SIAE (structure for integration through economic activity) offering excellent services based on conscious cuisine: one that factors in the art of entertaining, is exquisite thanks to the know-how of its chefs while meeting the new sustainable standards. A whole new palette of flavours combining the joy of eating with ethical standards. Té can also host events combining excellence and responsibility at its two prestigious venues: the Pavillon Elysée Té (Paris) and the Usine Té (Saint-Denis).
Located on the banks of the Seine in Paris’ 1st arrondissement, Scilicet is a unique place with a festive and friendly atmosphere. It employs people on integration schemes and offers them support to start working again.
Brasserie Dulion
BRASSERIE DULION is a pioneering brewery working from unmalted cereals. Its innovation is its ability to create fermented drinks without any malting process. It brews local cereals, significantly reducing the energy and water costs of malting. This model helps to revitalise local farming and recreate a direct link with farmers. The products are made using local raw materials.
Manufacture de Légumes
The Manufacture de Légumes aims to better serve the Ile-de-France’s collective catering sector, which must meet a growing demand for local and organic food as well as regulatory challenges. Driven by a passion for food and a commitment to excellence, the Manufacture de Légumes team is determined to help develop a sustainable agriculture that offers healthy food for all, actively combats food waste and promotes sustainable economic development in the Ile-de-France region.
ANDES develops fresh fruit and vegetable supply solutions for food aid organisations. ANDES workcamps combat food waste by recycling unsold fruit and vegetables, while at the same time creating effective schemes to support people distant from employment.
Circular economy
As resources become increasingly scarce, optimising the use of natural resources and limiting the amount of waste is now a necessity.
TRI 37
Tri37 is a social integration company specializing in community services and recycling. It collects paper, cardboard, electrical and electronic waste and bulky items, which are then recycled, refurbished or repurposed.
Bathô is a circular economy shipyard located south of Nantes. It repurposes old pleasure boats into unconventional accommodation on dry land, mainly recovering boats built in the 70s and 80s usually intended for dismantling. Bathô transforms them into unusual accommodation (for the boats measuring between 7.5m and 9m) and sometimes into bespoke projects such as meeting rooms. Each boat is entirely professionally decontaminated, cleaned and then renovated.
The mission of AG2I (Ateliers Gersois d’Insertion et d’Innovation) is to create activities (combating the digital divide, recycling electronic products, integration projects, etc.) to prevent exclusion and promote the social and work integration of people in precarious situations or at risk of exclusion and marginalisation.