Entrepreneurs for the most vulnerable

People distant from employment

We believe that employment is an effective lever for change. It is an essential aspect of integration into society, a context in which people interact daily, get to know each other and develop callings. 

This is why Groupe SOS structures work every day so that everyone can find their place in a constantly evolving landscape.

People assisted
Work integration schemes

Our actions

Integration through employment

Integration through employment

Groupe SOS has developed a wealth of expertise through a number of organisations that are approved as SIAEs (Structures for Integration Through Economic Activity). They support people who are extremely removed from employment. Our specificity: combining integration through work with excellence and social relevance. Our beneficiaries are therefore guided towards green jobs, heritage construction work, or businesses that ally economic activity with sustainability.

Work inclusion

Work inclusion

While the SIAEs fulfil a very specific need, the inclusion of people through employment covers a much wider scope. Many other Groupe SOS structures provide individualised follow-up towards employment, taking into account each person’s background, difficulties, but above all their human and professional qualities.

Lifting the barriers to employment

Lifting the barriers to employment

The obstacles to a return to employment are more numerous than one might think. Transport, access to housing, the digital gap, gender inequality, chronic pathologies… All these dimensions can prevent a person from returning to a stable professional life with peace of mind. This is why Groupe SOS is working to remove what we call peripheral barriers to employment.

Map of our facilities and organisations

Local presence and action

Needs emerge everywhere, all locally and regionally specific. Groupe SOS works in more than 50 countries to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable, future generations and regions. Groupe SOS acts on the ground to create solutions to social and environmental issues in collaboration with local actors and inhabitants.