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Design of financial education training modules

Côte d’Ivoire • Direct intervention

In support to the Financial Inclusion Promotion Agency (APIF), PPI has designed financial education training modules, tools and materials tailored to the populations targeted by APIF, namely young people, entrepreneurs, employees and rural populations, who face their own specific financial education challenges and needs.

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Tunisie • Direct intervention

Lab’ess has launched the #Essentielles program, a 100% female incubation program designed to support women change-makers in and around the Sfax region over a 4-month period. The program offers beneficiaries training, personalized individual support, financing, networking and visibility for their projects in the press and media.

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Ferizaj to Gravelines

Kosovo • Direct intervention

PLAY International launched the De Ferizaj to Gravelines project in Kosovo and in France, in collaboration with the municipality of Ferizaj, the town of Gravelines, the French Embassy in Kosovo and the Alliance Française Kosovo. As part of this project, young people from Ferizaj and Gravelines are trained by PLAY International in socio-sports activities with the aim of encouraging the inclusion of children with disabilities in sporting activities.

Access to training and entrepreneurship for young people in Casamance

Sénégal • Direct intervention

Jógjëf, the Senegalese incubator for PULSE, a project promoting access to training and entrepreneurship for young people in Casamance. This project, in partnership with UN-CHK, aims to increase the number of job opportunities for young people aged 15-30 in Casamance by improving their access to training, apprenticeships and business start-ups.


Indonesia • Direct intervention

In Indonesia, Planète Urgence‘s MERCI project aims to preserve existing mangrove ecosystems and local biodiversity (particularly the Javan rhinoceros) in the Ujung Kulon National Park and its surrounding area.

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Preventing disability in early childhood in North Africa

Morocco, Tunisia • Direct intervention

In Morocco, 1,58% of children under 5 years old live with a disability, and this number raises up to 3,3% in Tunisia. Santé Sud and its partners in Morocco and Tunisia work on the early screening and support of disability and developmental disorders of children under 5. The project runs two main activities : training & sensitization actions on the two levers of the child’s socialization – the family circle and the school institutions – and secondly advocacy work through the facilitation of networking between civil society organisations and institutional actors.

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Food systems

Afrique du Sud • Direct intervention

The Food System program aims to unleash the potential of social entrepreneurs to develop and sustain innovative solutions addressing food inequity, insecurity, and unemployment in South Africa.

Maârif, pre-school establishment offering excellent teaching to all children

Maroc • Direct intervention

In Morocco, the Société Française de Bienfaisance coordinates two pre-school establishments offering excellent teaching to all children, whatever their social background.

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Roumanie • Direct intervention

Ateliere Fara Frontiere’s Bio&Co program promotes social and solidarity economy while encouraging sustainable development, through organic farming and composting. Since 2015, 14031 hamper of organic vegetables have been delivered.

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Eat@Home – Silver Fourchette

Belgium • Intervention through partnerships

Carried out in collaboration with UNA 47 (France), Bras dessus Bras dessous (Belgium), Pour La Solidarité (Belgium) and Obra Diocesana de Promoção Social (Portugal), this Erasmus+ project aims to improve the diet of people over 60 years old.

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Planète Education Bénin

Benin • Direct intervention

Through its Planète Education project launched in July 2021 in Benin, Planète Urgence participates in the empowerment of local educational actors and raises children’s awareness of the protection of their environment (particularly the climate, biodiversity and forests).

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France • Direct intervention

Launched by PULSE, #EllesEnsemble is a support programme for women entrepreneurs and those wishing to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure. After 3 successful editions in the Seine-Saint-Denis area, the #EllesEnsemble programme is coming to Marseille to support women who are not yet involved in entrepreneurship, particularly younger women or those living in urban neighbourhoods. Through this programme, PULSE aims to encourage the emergence of projects with a social or environmental impact by women.

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Indonesia • Direct intervention

In 2020 and 2021, the MAHAKAM project brought on board two local partners of Planète Urgence (BIOMA and YML) to contribute to the sustainable restoration of the mangrove ecosystem in the Mahakam Delta, reducing the vulnerability of communities to the effects of climate change.

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Pathways – Groupe SOS Solidarités

Germany, Netherlands, Turkey • Intervention through partnerships

To tackle the lack of education on environmental and climate change in schools, Groupe SOS Solidarités wants to further integrate teaching about environmental sustainability into the education system and promote civic engagement within school communities. Launched at the end of 2023, the Pathways Erasmus+ project involves four European partners: Artemon (Dutch), Deutsche Schule Athen (German), KMOP (Greek) and Ari Inovasyon Ve Bilim Egitim Hizmetleri Anonim Sirketi (Turkish) and aims at creating training content for the educational body, setting up national workshops with the objective of presenting this training and the implementation of initiatives within schools.


Sénégal • Direct intervention

Le programme AGreenLab vise à soutenir la création et le développement d’entreprises dans les secteurs des énergies renouvelables et de l’agro-alimentaire, en accompagnant 99 jeunes entrepreneurs au Sénégal et au Burkina Faso. PPI a ainsi co développé un programme d’incubation et d’accélération avec 4 incubateurs selon une approche sensible au genre, a fourni un accompagnement individualisé à chaque entrepreneur par le biais de deux experts techniques dans les secteurs ciblés et a mis en place 3 outils de financement innovants.


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Toutes En Sport

Rwanda , Burundi • Direct intervention

The “Toutes En Sport ” project aims to promote gender equality and strengthen child protection through the practice of sport in Burundi and Rwanda. This program focuses on two specific objectives: to promote inclusive sports practice for all children, especially girls, within their communities, and to strengthen the protection of children, especially girls, to ensure dignified, respectful and safe sports practice.

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Madagascar • Direct intervention

Planète Urgence’s TAPIA project aims to protect local ecosystems and develop the economy of local populations by reforesting Tapia forests, a tree endemic to Madagascar.
In addition, Planète Urgence acts on the factors of overexploitation by combining capacity building for the Vondron’Olona Ifotony (VOI) – or local communities – in the local management and protection of these forests, raising awareness of environmental education, and the development of production systems, sources of income that are more sustainable and resilient to climate change.

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RISE (Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs)

Serbie, Monténégro, Macédoine, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Albanie, Kosovo • Intervention through partnerships

The Erasmus+ RISE (Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurship) project was carried out in partnership with Seeyin (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Arno (Northern Macedonia), Balkan Green Foundation (Kosovo), Nesto Vise (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Smart Kolektiv (Serbia), IEC Technopolis (Serbia) and Yunus Social Business Balkans (Albania). The aim of the project is to strengthen support structures for entrepreneurship in order to open up new areas of reconciliation in the Western Balkans.

Afghanistan Libre

Afghanistan • Intervention through partnerships

Afghanistan Libre aims to promote respect for the rights of Afghan women and girls, to help the most marginalized among them forge a meaningful and equitable future, and to support the development of resilient communities. The association’s activities have been put on hold.


Mauritanie, Tunisie, Maroc, Jordanie, France • Intervention through partnerships

Samim, which means “in the heart” in Arabic, is an international project that aims to reinforce the structuring of civil society in response to the challenges of sustainable urban development. The project is funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and implemented by Lab’ess, PULSE‘s Tunisian incubator, in partnership with Ecodev, Bidaya, Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Jordan Youth Innovation Forum.

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Vigie Tottorossa

Mayotte • Direct intervention

In partnership with the Agence Régionale de Santé Mayotte (ARS), Santé Sud leads the Vigie Tottorossa project, an enhanced community-based approach to promoting the overall health of vulnerable populations in Mayotte.


Maroc, Tunisie • Direct intervention

In Morocco, Santé Sud‘s SentinELLES project is a programme dedicated to promoting health, sexual and reproductive rights and gender equality in the Sahel and Maghreb.


France • Direct intervention

PULSE, through its incubation program #LaSaisonCirculaire, works to train and inform entrepreneurs about sustainable development. This project, which aims to support the development of circular economy entrepreneurial projects in the Paris region, contributes to the ecological transition by promoting existing and innovative solutions developed by entrepreneurs.


Afrique du Sud, Tunisie, Maroc • Offices

HERO – Acta Vista

Grèce, Croatie, Belgique • Intervention through partnerships

The Eramus+ HERO (Heritage Ecological Restoration for inclusion Opportunities) project is the result of transnational cooperation between Pour la Solidarité (Belgium), Dragodid (Croatia), Boulouki (Greece), BAO Formation (France) and ACTA VISTA (France, lead partner), as part of European Erasmus+ funding from December 2021 to September 2024. This project aims to improve the training of trainers in the architectural heritage restoration sector, specifically around the inclusion of vulnerable people and more environmentally-friendly restoration.

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Click on Romania

Roumanie • Direct intervention

Ateliere Fara Frontiere’s Click on Romania project aims to recondition computers and distribute them to schools: these donations give children in rural areas access to the technologies they need to work, while creating employment opportunities for people in vulnerable situations.

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Roumanie • Direct intervention

Ateliere Fara Frontiere, through its Remesh accessories manufacturing program, allows vulnerable people to integrate the job market, promoting circular economy.


Bulgarie, Chypre • Intervention through partnerships

The Erasmus+ FOWOSE (Fostering Women Social Entrepreneurship in Europe) project, in partnership with Women on Top (Greece), Empow’Her (France), Reach for Change (Bulgaria) and Synthesis (Cyprus), aims to promote more inclusive entrepreneurship, particularly among women. The project improves the creation of entrepreneurship training content tailored to the needs of women, testing a number of good practices with the aim of formalising and disseminating them.

Planète Urgence

Equateur, Indonésie, Madagascar, Bénin, Cameroun, Cambodia • Offices

Planète Éducation Madagascar

Madagascar • Intervention through partnerships

Launched in 2022 in Madagascar, the Planète Éducation project is helping to empower local educational players and raise children’s awareness of the need to protect their environment (particularly the climate, biodiversity and forests).

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Sport Academies

South Africa, Cameroon, Djibouti, Kenya, Liberia, Maroc, Malawi, Maurice, Mauritania, Togo, Sénégal • Intervention through partnerships

This project to support inclusive sports academies in Africa, supported by PLAY International and the Diambars, aims to support academies in building their capacity, developing their expertise in gender equality and education, and creating economic and professional opportunities for young people, to enable them to develop through sport.

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Madagascar • Direct intervention

As part of the prison administration reform programme, the project is helping to improve the living and reintegration conditions of prisoners and the working conditions of prison staff at the Ambositra and Mahajanga prisons. In particular, PPI’s intervention aims to implement an economic support system to encourage post-prison reintegration and continuity of treatment in the targeted prisons.

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Romania • Direct intervention

Ateliere Fara Frontiere’s Bio&Co program promotes social and solidarity economy while encouraging sustainable development, through organic farming and composting. Since 2015, 14031 hamper of organic vegetables have been delivered.

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Cambodge • Intervention through partnerships

Through its ECCOZAP project in Cambodia, Planète Urgence aims to strengthen the capacities of Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT) teams to implement prevention and awareness-raising activities concerning Zoonoses, infectious or parasitic diseases transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans.

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Meet Africa II

Tunisia • Intervention through partnerships

PULSE and Lab’ess are partners in MEET Africa 2, a support program for entrepreneurs from the African diaspora implemented by Expertise France and financed by the European Union and the French Development Agency (AFD).

Womxn in business

South Africa • Direct intervention

PULSE is promoting economic development in South Africa through its WomeXn Series programme. Oribi, PULSE’s incubator in South Africa, aims to provide financial support to women entrepreneurs in South Africa, and to support them in their entrepreneurial process through a series of activities, enabling them to develop a strategic network with other impact entrepreneurs.

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Volunteer missions

Mexico, Togo • Intervention through partnerships

Planète Urgence, in partnership with associations with a strong environmental impact, offers volunteer missions which enable it to support the local development of communities thanks to a transfer of skills. Volunteer missions in Mexico are carried out remotely (E-volunteering).

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VIAS+ – Groupe SOS Solidarités

Belgique • Intervention through partnerships

Led by Groupe SOS Solidarités, in collaboration with the Belgian association Aditi Vzw, the aim of the VIAS+ project is to improve the knowledge and skills of professionals working with people with disabilities on the subject of intimacy, love and sex (VIAS). This Erasmus+ project started in 2023.


Madagascar • Direct intervention

In Madagascar, Planète Urgence‘s MOSOTRY project aims to sustainably restore the degraded mangroves of Analalava, and to contribute to strengthening economic resilience and food security in the region. To achieve this, the project reinforce the capacities of grassroots community organisations (VOI), with the aim of protecting their ecosystem, improving their livelihoods and increasing their resilience.

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Syria, Tunisia, Palestine, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria • Intervention through partnerships

Through the SAFIR programme, Lab’ess (PULSE‘s Tunisian incubator) contributes to the creation and animation of incubators in the MENA region.

SAFIR is an ambitious programme in favour of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and promote the economic inclusion of young people in several countries in North Africa and the Middle East (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia). Supported by the European Union, it aims to create an environment favorable to the civic engagement of young people and to encourage the development of projects with a social, cultural and environmental impact.

Hafa Velontegna

Madagascar • Direct intervention

The “Hafa Velontegna” project aims to combat food and nutrition insecurity among children by setting up community savings groups (CSGs). PPI has set up 107 CSGs, mainly for pregnant and breast-feeding women. CSG members receive financial education training on the principles of savings and credit, as well as non-financial services such as the development of income-generating activities, vegetable gardens and awareness-raising on climate change.

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Social service

Maroc • Direct intervention

The “social service” of the SFB project encompasses various forms of assistance aimed at supporting families, single mothers, and individuals facing unemployment or financial difficulties in Casablanca. It provides ongoing aid to those in need, offering exceptional relief when necessary.

PLAY International

Burundi, Senegal, Kosovo, France, Comoros • Offices

Jappale Ma

Sénégal • Direct intervention

The Jappale Ma project is part of the national strategy to develop self-employment for young people by setting up incubation facilities in 11 Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) in Dakar and Thiès, as well as 1 within the RESOPOPDEV youth association, to enable 450 young people leaving vocational training to be individually supported and monitored in the development of their business start-up projects.

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Bénin • Intervention through partnerships

Planète Urgence œuvre depuis janvier 2023, en partenariat avec Vivia Miel, une ONG locale spécialisée dans la restauration de paysages forestiers et d’amélioration du niveau de vie des communautés locales, pour la protection et la conservation durable de deux forêts sacrées (la Forêt Sacrée d’Igbo-Dogni à Bassila et celle de Sérou à Djougou), à travers un projet pilote d’un an.

Le projet a pour but de contribuer à la conservation et à la gestion durable des forêts sacrées à Bassila et Djougou, en renforçant la résilience sociale et économique des communautés locales. GAPADOU vise également à mettre en place des mécanismes de gouvernance en vue de soutenir la protection des ressources naturelles et du patrimoine culturel local, tout en sensibilisant la jeune génération et le grand public aux enjeux environnementaux.

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Digital houses Madagascar  

Madagascar • Direct intervention

The objective of this project is to promote the economic and financial empowerment of Malagasy women through a capacity building action of 20 digital houses set up by the Orange Foundation in Madagascar. Through this project, PPI provides entrepreneurial coaching to 40 micro-entrepreneurs and sets up savings groups on all sites.

Inclusiveness has a Voice

Roumanie • Direct intervention

In 2021, Ateliere Fara Frontiere launches Inclusion has a Voice project, in partnership with RISE and Fretex Pluss Norway. The project aims to promote solutions for integrating disadvantaged groups in urban and rural areas into the labor market, in order to make them independent.


Afrique du Sud • Direct intervention

AfriFOODlinks envisions a thriving network of cities in Africa and beyond, in which food systems and nutrition are firmly established on the local governance agenda. Citizen-led multi-stakeholder governance platforms welcome diverse voices to inform policy and urban planning processes that promote food and nutrition security and environmentally regenerative practices.

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APIA – Les Insatiables

Espagne, Belgique, Italie • Intervention through partnerships

Led by Les Insatiables from 2023, the project APIA ambitions to improve the professional care assistants’ theoretical and technical knowledge on the nutrition of people with autism spectrum disorders, in order to better support them in their diet and promote their well-being and independence. The Erasmus+ APIA project is the result of a partnership with Spanish, Italian and Belgian entities and will run until 2026.

Active School

France • Direct intervention

Through its Active School project, PLAY International promotes a healthy lifestyle and encourages children aged 8 to 12 to live together around the themes of health and living together.

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Maroc • Direct intervention

Through the NAFASS project, the SFB implements employment integration projects by establishing a training school focused on pedagogical innovation and social inclusion. The project is intended for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, distant from employment, and in situations of economic and social precariousness.

Companions in agroecology – Fermes d’Avenir

Belgique, Italie • Intervention through partnerships

Through the Erasmus+ Companions in Agroecology project, Fermes d’Avenir is working with three European partners (Vert d’Iris, Belgium, MAP, Belgium, and Rete Humus, Italy) to train the next generation of farmers in sustainable farming methods. Through four training workshops, the project aims to develop and perfect farmers’ skills in educational farm management, agroforestry, horticulture and soil fertility assessment methods.

E4NEETS – Pulse

Macédoine du Nord, Espagne, Serbie • Intervention through partnerships

The Erasmus+ E4NEETS project (Reinforcement of support structures for NEETs in the entrepreneurial field) is carried out in partnership with Avitem (Agence Française des Villes et des Territoires Méditerranéens durables) (France), Belgrade Open School (Serbia), Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de Terrassa (Spain), ML Marseille (France) and National Youth Council of Macedonia (Northern Macedonia). It aims to improve access to entrepreneurship for young NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training).


Maroc • Direct intervention

In partnership with European Union, Santé Sud leads the 3INAYA project in Morocco. This project aims to reinforce sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) and gender equality in the country, including the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) and the protection of survivors. To achieve this objective, the project aims to strengthen the quality and coordination of these mechanisms.

FOWOSE – Pulse

Grèce • Intervention through partnerships

The Erasmus+ FOWOSE (Fostering Women Social Entrepreneurship in Europe) project, in partnership with Women on Top (Greece), Empow’Her (France), Reach for Change (Bulgaria) and Synthesis (Cyprus), aims to promote more inclusive entrepreneurship, particularly among women. The project improves the creation of entrepreneurship training content tailored to the needs of women, testing a number of good practices with the aim of formalising and disseminating them.

Hope Center

Liban • Direct intervention

Inspired by the success of the Syrian Hope Centers, L’Oeuvre d’Orient has opened a Hope Center in Lebanon, dedicated to financing, training and supporting vulnerable entrepreneurs. Through this project,PPI reaffirms its ambition to fight extreme poverty by enabling vulnerable people – particularly women and young people – to take control of their economic situation, through the creation or development of Income-Generating Activities (IGA).

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Mauritanie • Direct intervention

Initiated in 2022 by Santé Sud, the programme is run in collaboration with Pairs Educateur and the Ministry of Health, with the support of L’Initiative and Expertise France. The aim of the project is to support sexual and reproductive health services to strengthen the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria using a gender-based approach.

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Land of opportunity

France • Direct intervention

As part of the “Terrains d’Avenir” project, PLAY International offers training courses for social workers and educators from associations, clubs and federations who work with and look after refugees and displaced persons in the Paris region. This program aims to promote their inclusion, their sense of belonging and define a life project through sport.

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Liberia, Senegal, Serbie • Direct intervention

PLAY International, in partnership with Agence Française de Développement (AFD), launched Ejo in 2019, an education-through-sports initiative for 80,000 children, including 32,000 girls. This program is deployed in Burundi, Senegal, Liberia and coming soon Ivory Coast. It contributes to make quality education accessible to the most vulnerable groups, such as girls, children with disabilities and minority communities.

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People Power Inclusion (PPI)

Egypt, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Senegal • Offices


Cameroun • Intervention through partnerships

In Cameroon, Planète Urgence is implementing the country’s largest mangrove restoration project, in partnership with the Orange Group and Sia Partners. The aim of the project is to restore and sustainably manage many hectares of mangroves in the Cameroun and Ntem estuaries.

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#Nouveau Cap

France • Direct intervention

Launched by PULSE , NouveauCap is a coaching program for anyone over 45 who wants to give new meaning to their career by exploring the possibilities offered by impact entrepreneurship.

Support for the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Decent Employment in Madagascar (SEEED)

Madagascar • Direct intervention

An integral part of the European Union’s IncuBoost programme, the SEEED project promotes the development of entrepreneurship as a vector for decent employment in Madagascar. It aims to create and strengthen the ecosystem of incubation and support for entrepreneurship in order to offer accessible, high-quality and sustainable support services to malgasy entrepreneurs. Alongside UNIDO and UNCDF, SEEED will support 20 structures in their development.


Comores • Direct intervention

In August 2022, PLAY International launched a new mission in Comoros. The aim of this mission is to set up the Projet « d’Appui à l’Education Physique et Sportive » (PEPS), to integrate sport into the Comorian school system. This project is financed by AFD and the Comorian Ministry of National Education, Teaching and Research, but can also count on the support of the Université de la Réunion.

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Together Through Sport – Play International

Poland, Romania • Intervention through partnerships

The project Together Through Sport, conducted by Play International in partnership with Judeteana Sportul Pentru Toti (Departmental Association “Sport for all”) a Romanian association and the Fundacja V4 Sport (V4 sport foundation) association based in Wroclaw, Poland, aims to contribute to the social inclusion of refugee ukrainian children through the use of physical activity and sport, by providing training to staff of schools and clubs. This project is supported by the European Commission through its Erasmus+ program and Air France Foundation.

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Mada health, sexual and reproductive rights (HSRR)

Madagascar • Direct intervention

Santé Sud‘s Mada SDSR project, in partnership with Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Monaco International Cooperation Department (DCIM), aims to promote health, sexual and reproductive rights and child health in the rural areas of Analamanga in Madagascar.

WISE – Ateliere Fara Frontiere

Espagne, Belgique • Intervention through partnerships

The project “Social Impact Measurement in Work Integration Social Enterprises”, implemented in collaboration with Società Cooperativa Sociale (Italy), European Network of Social Integration Belgium Enterprises (Belgium) and Escola Superior de Comerc Internacional (Spain), aims to improve the skills for social impact measurement of the work integration social enterprises.

Innovation that scales start-up ecosystems in Mediterranean countries

Lebanon • Direct intervention

Through this project, PPI supports innovation, employment and economic growth thrgough providing capacity building to existing and ermerging innovation support organizations. Since the project, 15 organisations had theirs competences strenghtened, and the entrepreneurship support system is better structured.

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Côte-d’Ivoire • Direct intervention

This project has been implemented since January 2023 by PPI, which supports 150 players in the local economy: cooperatives, producer groups, associations and women’s organisations. Initiated by the government of Côte d’Ivoire and financed by the African Development Bank (ADB), this is a programme to structure and build the capacities of organisations and actors in the agricultural sectors in the areas covered by the agro-industrial cluster project in the Bélier region (2PAI Bélier). The aim of the project is to increase food and nutritional security by boosting promising agricultural sectors (rice, maize, cassava, market garden produce, fish and pork) and increasing the involvement of the private sector, young people and women.


Serbia • Offices


Cameroun • Intervention through partnerships

En mars 2019, Planète Urgence a initié au Cameroun le projet pilote « Filière Anacarde et Restauration d’Ecosystèmes (FARE) » qui accompagne son partenaire, l’organisation de la société civile CERAF-Nord, dans la mise en œuvre d’un projet de reforestation d’anacardiers (arbres à noix de cajou), de restauration de corridors de migration de la faune sauvage et d’appui à la production et à l’entretien de vergers d’anacardiers en vue du développement de la filière, en faveur de populations riveraines du parc national de la Bénoué.

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Senegal • Direct intervention

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the financial and digital knowledge and skills of women in Senegal for a more efficient and less risky use of financial products and services and in particular digital finance products (DFS) in urban or peri-urban areas. Ultimately, this project will benefit 2 CSOS located in the department of Rufisque, 20 vulnerable women identified by CSOs and 20 women with digital skills.


Spain • Offices

Santé Sud

Mauritanie, Tunisia, Tunisie, Morocco • Offices


Mali • Direct intervention

In Mali, Santé Sud  works to facilitate the setting up of laboratories and trained staff to provide quality diagnostics.

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WISE – Ateliere Fara Frontiere

Italie • Intervention through partnerships

The project “Social Impact Measurement in Work Integration Social Enterprises”, implemented in collaboration with Società Cooperativa Sociale (Italy), European Network of Social Integration Belgium Enterprises (Belgium) and Escola Superior de Comerc Internacional (Spain), aims to improve the skills for social impact measurement of the work integration social enterprises.

EU-NISMOP – Wimoov

Espagne, Belgique • Intervention through partnerships

Gathering partners from France (Wimoov), Belgium (Responsible Young Drivers Vlaanderen and Resposible Young Drivers Wallonie-Bruxelles) and Spain (Fundación Bancaria Ibercaja ), EU-NISMOP is a cooperation project that aims to create a European network for inclusive and sustainable mobility. More specifically, its objective is to raise the skills of European professionals by sharing knowledge, skills and support practices to improve the mobility of people suffering from socio-economic difficulties (jobseekers, recipients of minimum social benefits, etc.). Funded by the Erasmus+ program, EU-NISMOP will take place between 2023 and 2024.


Youth employability and entrepreneurship Booster in Egypt

Egypt • Direct intervention

In order to address the problem of youth unemployment in Egypt, this three-year project aims to strengthen the inclusion of young Egyptians in a gender-sensitive labour market. To reach this goal, PPI and its partners aim more specifically at strengthening the capacities of civil society in green entrepreneurship support for young men and women in Cairo and Assiut governorates; at supporting young men and women in Cairo and Assiut governorates to start income-generating green activities; and at promoting gender equality in the workplace and the labour market in Egypt.


Senegal • Direct intervention

The overall objective of SUQALI is to increase access to financial services for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). In particular, PPI will design and deploy capacity-building modules tailored to the needs of 165 participating MSMEs in the Kédougou and Tambacounda regions. Priority will be given to MSMEs run by young people, in particular young women, or employing mainly young people, in particular young women.

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Life Circle

Inde • Intervention through partnerships

Impact Business Angels contributes to the care of the elderly in India by supporting and financing the start-up Life Circle. Since 2016, Life Circle has benefited from the sharing of best practices by Impact Business Angels, which has expertise in the medical field.

Through sport, I blossom

Senegal • Direct intervention

The “Grâce au sport, je m’épanouis” (through sport, I blossom) project uses sport as a tool for developing skills and raising awareness of societal issues in public secondary schools. It will make it possible to create 3 new cycles in the curriculum to develop the skills of Physical Education and Sport (PE) teachers, while taking account of social and cultural realities, and to strengthen the material resources of each establishment.

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Ateliere Fara Frontiere

Roumanie • Offices

Economic and digital empowerment of women and girls in Lebanon

Lebanon • Direct intervention

The general objective of the project is to increase the economic empowerment of women in the digital sector in Lebanon through a training and coaching pathway to employment or self-employment and to strengthen the digital inclusion of women and girls. More specifically, the project aims to accompany 17 women through a 7-month intensive competency-based training program in full-stack web development and professional and management skills; to accompany them towards employment or self-employment, enabling them to generate a stable income; to improve the digital inclusion of women and girls and to sensitise men and women to the opportunities of the sector to strengthen gender equality.

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Madagascar • Direct intervention

In 2022, Santé Sud launched the Nutrisan project in Madagascar, in partnership with European Union and the AMADESE association. The aim of this project is to implement actions to reinforce the skills of midwives in the prevention, screening and management of malnutrition. In addition, awareness-raising activities will be carried out in the communities to reinforce knowledge and good practice in terms of nutrition and care.

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Afrique du Sud • Direct intervention

Launched by PULSE‘s South African incubator, this program aims to encourage high-school girls from South Africa’s townships to become the next generation of social entrepreneurs.

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Play International

Rwanda • Offices

Capacity building of farmer professionnal organizations in the financing of their service activities

Senegal • Direct intervention

The aim of the project is to promote the financial inclusion of agricultural professional organisations (POs). More specifically, the aim is to identify the services provided by POs with a view to strengthening and sustaining them, to provide tools for the economic evaluation of the services provided to members and to support POs in their search for financing solutions tailored to their service projects.

Support for the implementation of an access to finance programme for project leaders of the Jogjef incubator

Sénégal • Direct intervention

Financed by the Delegation of the European Union in Senegal, the project “Access to Training and Entrepreneurship for Young People in Casamance” aims to increase the number of employment opportunities for young people aged 15 to 30 in Casamance by strengthening their access to training, apprenticeships and business creation. Within the framework of this project, PPI is providing its technical expertise to position the support programme for the financing of the Jogjëf incubator.

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Procurement with social and environmental impact

Roumanie • Intervention through partnerships

This project, in which Ateliere Fara Frontiere takes part, aims to promote legislative provisions concerning public procurement with social and ecological clauses, in order to improve the social inclusion of people from vulnerable groups (particularly young people and the Roma) and the quality of life of the population, while reducing the negative effects on the environment.



Belgium • Intervention through partnerships

The aim of the Erasmus+ GIFT (Grow Impact For Tech) project is to support the development of the skills of staff working in acceleration, incubation and training structures. The aim is to better enable them to promote the growth of technology companies with a strong societal impact, and to accelerate the internationalisation of their support.

Engaging civil society towards inclusive sustainable development in Egypt

Egypt • Direct intervention

Through this project, PPI contributes to strengthening the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as governance and development actors in Egypt. PPI more specifically aims at better equipping CSOs in Upper Egypt governorates to play an active role in addressing sustainable development challenges in an inclusive and participatory manner, with a focus on social inclusion of disadvantaged population groups, including women, youth and people with disabilities.

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Renforcement des capacités des petits producteurs de vanille

Madagascar • Direct intervention

Since 2017, PPI has been aiming to improve the economic conditions of vanilla producers in the Sava region, by structuring them into groups and encouraging them to produce sustainable, high-quality vanilla. To improve their incomes, PPI is also helping them to diversify their business by developing agroforestry, reforestation and beekeeping activities, and training them to implement ecologically sustainable farming practices.

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Société Française de bienfaisance

Maroc • Offices

Professional insertion of refugee from Ukraine in Romania

Roumanie • Direct intervention

Ateliere Fara Frontiere, through its project “Professional integration of a Ukrainian refugee in Romania”, supports the empowerment of vulnerable people in Ukraine. The objective is to facilitate access to the labor market for these refugees through advice and integration.


Pérou • Intervention through partnerships

In Peru, Planète Urgence‘s CUISCAF project aims to restore deforested areas by planting shade coffee agroforestry plots, and to raise awareness of sustainable agricultural practices among Cuispes beneficiary communities.

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Sickle cell disease

Mauritanie, Mali • Direct intervention

In order to make the care required by sickle cell disease patients accessible to rural populations, Santé Sud is running the Sickle Cell Disease project to develop a care network driven by community GPs. The project also aims to reduce the cost of caring for patients with sickle cell disease, as well as their follow-up by their families.

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Digital houses Cameroon

Cameroon • Direct intervention

PPI is a partner of the Digital Houses, created by the Orange Foundation. In Cameroon, PPI supports the economic and financial empowerment of women by supporting 17 Centres for the Promotion of Women and the Family, which house the Digital Houses established in the country. In particular, PPI offers training in entrepreneurship and financial education and sets up improved tontines in partnership with Orange Money.