Groupe SOS
Groupe SOS, A major non-profit group for social cohesion and entrepreneurship worldwide
Since 1984, Groupe SOS has been a major non-profit player in social cohesion and the social and solidarity economy in Europe. It develops and unites non-profit organisations and social enterprises, connected by their social and environmental commitment.
Groupe SOS focuses its efforts on two major themes: on one hand, the health and social care sector, managing facilities dedicated to youth, health, vulnerable people, and the elderly; on the other hand, preparing for a sustainable and inclusive future, with ambitious projects for ecological transition, regional revitalisation, sustainable businesses, and accessible culture.
By addressing all issues, even the most complex ones, Groupe SOS stands out for its boldness, resilience, and ability to innovate. Secular and non-partisan, and operating in a wide range of fields, it embodies a true social project.
22,000 employees, 2 million beneficiaries each year, 850 facilities, non-profit organisations, and social enterprises, 50 countries. Groupe SOS, a significant impact for a sustainable and inclusive future.
Our missions

Combat all forms of exclusion
When crisis hit, never let anyone fall by the wayside, whatever their challenge.
Make the voice of field players be heard in the public debate, as well as what is truly happening on the ground.

Take action so that all people have their basic needs met
Meet the needs of people and regions to create a fairer, liveable and sustainable world.
Stay close to field work in order to bring tangible help, all over the world.

Innovate on social, societal and environmental issues
Constantly improve the quality of our support and take our planet into consideration across all human activities.
Prove that society can undergo a positive and profound change.
Groupe SOS’s history
Since its creation almost 40 years ago, Groupe SOS has had one single ambition: to give a global response adapted to individual issues and bring about a fairer society. From the original organisations in Paris and Marseille to the present-day Groupe SOS working in more than 50 countries, here is a chronology to better understand the group’s history.
When it all began
The first page of Groupe SOS’s history is written. An organisation is created to develop programs to help people suffering from addiction.
Taking a stand against AIDS
SOS Habitat et Soins is born to respond to the AIDS crisis. It offers new and diversified answers, especially housing solutions for people suffering from poverty or chronic illnesses related to AIDS.
The children, their past, their future
Groupe SOS opens La Corniche in Marseille, the very first program to help underaged drug addicts. This centre offers personalised support, favouring sustainable social inclusion.
Building the core of the group to solidify its structure
The Groupe SOS real-estate cooperative is created. By owning the buildings it operates in, Groupe SOS ensures the durability of the activities of its organisations and that their beneficiaries receive the very best accommodation. In addition, the original organisations get together and pool several functions (HR, accounting, legal, finance…) into cross-organisational head-offices.
Work integration, head-on
Nobody is unemployable. Given how widespread unemployment is, Groupe SOS, within its integration businesses, develops work integration programs through economic activities.
Assistance from the very first steps into life
Start of early childhood support activities. Groupe SOS is the first NGO creating nurseries where both the public and children with disabilities are welcomed in the same facilities. Caring for children implies caring for their parents as well, especially among underprivileged families.
Healthcare for all
Groupe SOS successfully takes responsibility of a hospital facing financial difficulties. Since then, to respond to the widespread care deserts phenomenon, it has shown it is possible to offer excellent healthcare for all, regardless of their level of income, pioneering the model of private not-for-profit hospitals.
Inciting social entrepreneurship
The NGO PULSE is created to assist social entrepreneurs in France and worldwide in inciting and growing innovative solutions to economic, social and environmental challenges.
Taking up the challenge of old age
Groupe SOS decides to take up the challenge of old age, probably one of this century’s most crucial issues. It welcomes, assists and supports the elderly, fostering their autonomy and well-being.
Expanding worldwide
Groupe SOS, aware that some issues extend beyond France’s borders, welcomes and assists NGOs that operate among local players in more than 50 countries and thus consolidates its international action.
Committing to a sustainable, fair and responsible society
Groupe SOS adapts to respond to new issues. New activities are structured in the domains of culture, environmental transition and regions.
Infusing all players of society
Groupe SOS aims at building solutions to develop and improve local life, especially in rural areas and poorer city neighbourhoods. Each area is unique, but their needs are often similar: promote social ties and economic vitality.
To go further

Economic model
For nearly 40 years, Groupe SOS has built a pioneering organisation with shared management skills, enabling it to fully embrace the ambitions of the Social and Solidarity Economy.

Sustainable Development Goals
Helping to build a more viable, liveable and equitable world. Sustainable Development is therefore a common thread running through all our actions, at every level of the organisation.