Acualités Groupe SOS


3Zero World Forum 2023: changing the system for a fairer, more sustainable economy!

22 August 2023 • NEWS

Every year, the 3Zero World Forum brings together several thousand representatives of NGOs, businesses, SSE players, public bodies and financial players to work together to build a world of Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon and Zero Poverty. Halfway through the Agenda 2030, Groupe SOS, a major player in the social and solidarity economy, is a partner of the 15th edition of the Forum. See you on September 5th at the Palais Brongniart!

Roundtable: How do we change the system?

Groupe SOS will be hosting a discussion session at 9.45am, entitled “Let’s drive systemic change for a fairer and more sustainable economy!”

On the agenda: how can we strengthen local players and entrepreneurs, transform institutions and businesses, and involve citizens, in order to change the system?

Alexandre Lourié, International Managing Director for Groupe SOS, will attempt to answer this question with:

  • Amandine Hersant, Managing Director of Planète Urgence
  • Tony Bernard, Managing Director of Impact Tank
  • Anne-Leila Batel, Managing Director of PULSE
  • Benjamin Soudier, Managing Director of Santé Sud

Meet with Groupe SOS teams!

The teams are waiting for you in the Solutions Village!

Groupe SOS’ NGOs and social enterprises, which take action on the ground in France and in more than 50 countries around the world to meet social and environmental challenges, will be present throughout the day.

An opportunity to find out more about their actions in response to major challenges:

Health, with Santé Sud

Santé Sud is an international NGO building more effective and virtuous healthcare systems by empowering people to take control of their own health. Present in West Africa, the Maghreb, Madagascar and Mayotte, Santé Sud does not operate on an emergency basis, nor does it replace local actors, in order to facilitate access to quality healthcare for all.

In 2022, Santé Sud carried out 45 expert missions for its 142 partners in 9 countries.

Protecting forests with Planète Urgence

The mission of the NGO Planète Urgence is to empower men and women to preserve forests and biodiversity. It acts in the world’s three major tropical forest basins (Amazonia, Congo and Borneo-Mekong) in three areas: protecting endangered forests and biodiversity, promoting the development of local communities, and raising environmental awareness.

In 2022, Planète Urgence and its 80 local partners planted 3,316,790 trees and raised environmental awareness among 9,244 schoolchildren.

Find out more here

Protecting oceans, with Wings of the Ocean

Created in 2018, Wings of the Ocean is the first litter-picking association in France. It works to protect the ocean by:

  • collecting rubbish: the non-profit carries out 3 clean-up operations a week along the coast;
  • raising awareness among the general public, children, businesses and local representatives;
  • deploying alternatives to plastic consumption.

Since its creation, Wings of the Ocean has carried out more than 700 clean-ups, collected more than 99,000 kilos of waste and brought together more than 700 volunteers.

Find out more here

Social entrepreneurship, with PULSE

The mission of the NGO PULSE is to support and promote entrepreneurship as a lever for inclusive and sustainable development. It develops awareness-raising initiatives, support programmes and funding for high-impact project leaders in Europe and Africa.

In 2022, in addition to its incubators in South Africa, Senegal, France and Tunisia, PULSE has strengthened 31 incubators, notably in the Balkans, the Mediterranean and Africa.

Find out more here

Agroecology, with Fermes d’Avenir

Fermes d’Avenir is an association working to accelerate the agricultural transition in France. Its mission is to grow agroecological farms throughout France. It supports 5 key players in the agricultural and food transition: project developers, farms, local authorities, businesses and citizens.

Since 2013, Fermes d’Avenir has trained 1,000 people and supported 110 projects.

Financial inclusion, with PPI – People Power Inclusion

The mission of the NGO PPI – People Power Inclusion is to give individuals and organisations the tools they need to secure their livelihoods, so that they become less vulnerable, more resilient and build stronger, more sustainable communities. It focuses on three areas of intervention – access to finance, employment and markets – in three regions of the world: West and Central Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, and the Indian Ocean.

In 2022, PPI supported 70 local civil society organisations through financial support, organisational capacity building and/or technical capacity building.

Find out more here

Measuring social and environmental impact, with Impact Tank and Groupe SOS Consulting

Impact Tank

Impact Tank is the first European think-and-do tank dedicated to promoting and scaling up positive-impact social innovations. Its aim is to enrich public debate by combining common good initiatives, tested in the field, with reliable expertise based on scientific research.

On 13 February 2023, Impact Tank organised the first Impact Measurement Summit, bringing together all the public and private players, researchers and specialists, companies, associations, funders, evaluators, social operators, social change coaches and SSE network leaders, to build a “New Deal for Impact”. The first edition of the Summit attracted 40,000 participants online and 1,600 in person.


Groupe SOS Consulting

Groupe SOS Consulting draws on all the skills and expertise that Group SOS has developed over nearly 40 years to help companies and organisations that want to contribute to a more caring and sustainable world to measure their social and environmental impact.

Groupe SOS Consulting has supported more than 80 companies and organisations since 2018.

Find out more here

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